Our waters have been known for over 150 years all over the world for their intrinsic qualities that make them, on a therapeutic level, unique in Italy. From the mountains above Levico Terme, at over 1500 meters above sea level, two types of mineral waters gush out: "Acqua Forte" and "Acqua Debole", both sulphate-arsenical-ferruginous waters.
They are both meteoric waters which, penetrating at great heights and slowly into the subsoil, along mysterious paths ("Cristallino di Cima d'Asta") and passing through metalliferous deposits, are loaded with precious mineral elements - iron, sulphates, copper, arsenic - and then they ooze in galleries that were mined in the Middle Ages and from there they are channelled to our factory in Levico Terme in Viale Vittorio Emanuele 10. The Vetriolo Terme plant, the highest spa in Europe, is located at 1500 meters above sea level near the source. Due to their high acidity and mineral content, therapeutic use is carried out by medical supervision and with strict protocols of use.